In Memoriam: Bill Archibald

June 20, 1929 – February 3, 2020 We are sad to share the news of the passing of our “Trail Boss” Bill Archibald. Read Bill’s obituary Bill’s contribution to the equestrian community was tremendous. Through decades of unwavering trail advocacy and leadership, he helped Maple Ridge…

Heritage Trail: George’s Way Trails

The George’s Way Trails, in the Thornhill area of Maple Ridge, are horse trails of historical significance to the Maple Ridge community. In February 2019, the George’s Way Trails were awarded Heritage Status in the category of Heritage Landscape/Natural Heritage Resource by the Maple…

Heritage Trail: Tower Trail

Tower Trail, in the Thornhill area of Maple Ridge, is one of several horse trails of historical significance to the Maple Ridge community. In February 2019, Tower Trail was awarded Heritage Status in the category of Heritage Landscape/Natural Heritage Resource by the Maple Ridge…

Heritage Trail: Bear Ridge

  Bear Ridge Trail is one of several horse trails of historical significance to the Maple Ridge community. In February 2019, Bear Ridge Trail was awarded Heritage Status in the category of Heritage Landscape/Natural Heritage Resource by the Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission. Bear…

Thornhill Trails Granted Heritage Status

Three historic horse trails in the Thornhill area, built by the HHA, have been awarded Heritage Status by the Maple Ridge Heritage Commission: George’s Way, Tower Trail and Bear Ridge Trail. We thank all of our Haney Horsemen pioneers, with leadership from David John…

Photo Galleries Galore

Photos from HHA events for members and the community can be found on this website (see our Photo Gallery) as well as the official Haney Horsemen Association Facebook page. Check out the photos from our January 2019 event, the Know Your Trails Ride: Mill…

Feature of George’s Way

On the George’s Way trails, you will come across “Bill’s Ford”. Bill Archibald and other HHA volunteers built it by laying down logs and filling the centre with rock. It provides stable footing for horses and the water flows calmly over it.  (Photo courtesy of…

History of Horseman’s Park

Hidden amongst the hundreds of documents and maps collected over the course of the HHA’s long history was the following GEM. Thanks to Bill Archibald for taking time to record the history of Horsemen’s Park on 224th St in Maple Ridge, complete with a…